Isaiah 53 in the « Hebrew Bible » : what’s been hidden from us?

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Toute aide est la bienvenue pour parfaire cette traduction de l’article initialement publié en français: Isaïe 53, le chapitre « interdit » dans le Talmud et pour les rabbins talmudistes

@ZevSteinhardt objects and says that chapter 53 of Isaiah is not forbidden among Jews. He says that this chapter is part of the study circles of the Orthodox, that is, of Orthodox Talmudic Judaism.

These, despite their extremism in many respects, at least have the advantage of being more attached to the letter or scripture, just like Jehovah’s Witnesses for the Christian world.

So in general, the Orthodox are more attached to the Tanakh or Hebrew Bible, commonly called the Old Testament, and which is the first part of the Christian Bible, the one that speaks of the Law of Moses called Torah in Hebrew (and which is the first 5 books of the Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy), Torah that a Christian worthy of the name holds in high regard.

In addition to the Torah or Law, the Tanakh or Hebrew Bible, contains all the books of the prophets, as well as poetic and historical books. Apart from exceptions such as Jehovah’s Witnesses and others, the Christian world and everyday language commonly refer to the Tanakh as « Old Testament », but frankly this name is incorrect, because it is simply the First Testament.

To this is added what is commonly called the « New Testament », which begins with the work of John the Baptist, then Jesus and his apostles. So it starts with the gospels, then the books of Acts, then the epistles of the apostles, most of the epistles being written by the apostle Paul. It all ends with the book of Revelation, commonly called Revelation of John.

Here too, the name « New Testament » is incorrect, because it suggests that the « Old Testament », the « First Testament » therefore, is obsolete or obsolete. And also it installs the very false idea that after the « New Testament » there would be no more divine revelation. Whereas this Second Testament, as it should actually be called, just extends the First and brings divine revelation into its second phase, the two Testaments forming what is called the Bible. It therefore includes the Jewish Bible or Tanakh.

And now in the third millennium comes the era of the Third Testament, which we call the Science of the TOTAL Universe or Science of God.

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See also:

So @ZevSteinhardt rightly object, saying that chapter 53 of Isaiah is not forbidden from the Jewish Bible, which is correct. But the expression « Jewish Bible » that the author of the video we share, is not correct either, if he speaks of the Tanakh or Hebrew Bible. For it contains Isaiah 53. He informs us that in study circles of Orthodox Talmudic Judaism, Isaiah 53 is read. For Christians, this chapter announces the suffering and death of the Messiah, which the Jewish Christian in the video we share, works to demonstrate to people on the street. Namely that Isaiah 53 speaks of Jesus Nazareth, yes Yeshua of Nazaeth, who, for us Christians, is the Messiah or Christ announced by the prophets, but whom the Pharisees, the predecessors of Talmudists, crucified 2000 years ago.

Let them not lose their time of saying that it is because we Christians do not speak Hebrew, that we would not understand well the Tanakh or Hebrew Bible or First Testament, the Torah and the prophets. Or that Hebrew is « mistranslated » in our Bibles, etc., which is part of the panoply of Pharisaic and Talmudic arguments, to explain why the Pharisees rejected Jesus and even delivered him over to the Roman governor Pilate to be crucified (Matthew 27:15-26; John 19:8-22).

For Jesus and his apostles who wrote the Second Testament, spoke Hebrew too, as well as nowadays Christian Jews like the one in the video. The understanding of the Hebrew texts is therefore not exclusive to the Pharisees or their successors, the current Talmudists, classical or orthodox or ultra-orthodox. They follow a long tradition of the fathers (Matthew 15:3-9).

Not the fathers of biblical Judaism, prophets, priests, teachers, etc., but a long tradition of deviations that successive prophets rightly condemned. It is enough to read the Tanakh to see the confrontation between God’s envoys to advance his revelation, and the figures of deviant traditions and teachings. Confrontations often resulted in the murder of the prophet who disturbed tradition, and in Jesus’ time it was his turn to be crucified by the Pharisees (Matthew 27:15-26; John 19:8-22), and then many of his disciples suffered martyrdom, such as Stephen (Acts chapter 7).

But thank God, the spirit and soul of the prophets, then of Jesus, then of Jesus’ disciples, is not completely extinguished by self-righteousness in Israel, as we see with this Jewish Christian or Jewish Christian.

Because, oh yes, there are Christian Jews too, who are not necessarily classical Talmudists or orthodox Talmudists. And there are even atheist and blasphemous Jews, like Yuval Noah Harari, who trample not only the entire Bible, Tanakh and Second Testament, but even the Talmud. Not only do they trample on the Torah, the whole Tanakh, but they do not even have respect for the Talmud, which is a self-righteous deviation from the Tanakh, certainly, but which has the merit of being a lesser evil compared to the denial of people like Harari.

Classical Talmudism fits well with people like Harari, and their globalist, blasphemous agenda, but a faction of the Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox are totally allergic to these blasphemies which for them are the cause of all the historical misfortunes of the Jewish people, and in this at least they are not wrong. Some even go so far as to be anti-Zionist, saying that the modern state of Israel is not the work of God, this state should not exist, they say, because Israel’s sins have not been repaired to deserve the land of Israel again. These ultra-Orthodox Talmudists still find the classical or orthodox Talmudists too lax, too deviant.

Even if in many respects I do not share their extremisms and fundamentalisms (because they are late in a Testament and in the meantime Jesus and his apostles have brought divine revelation into a new era, that of God’s love), they are, alas, not wrong on these points, when they speak of the sins against the Torah and the Tanakh.

Let @ZevSteinhardt inform us that in their Torah study circles, the Tanakh, they read Isaiah 53, I rejoice. And as to how they interpret it, that is another matter, on which I will not dwell.

I’m just correcting the misunderstanding about the title of the video, which is that chapter 53 of Isaiah would be forbidden in the « Jewish Bible ». It is Talmud that he wants to speak, and Talmudic or rabbinic Judaism. We are therefore not talking about the Jewish Bible in the proper sense, namely the Tanakh. It is true that many classical Talmudic teachers do not mention Isaiah 53 in their Talmudic teaching in the synagogue, whereas in the past they did, as the Christian explains well in the video.

And we see in the video that even Talmudist teachings of the younger generation to whom the Christian speaks of this chapter of Isaiah 53, do not know him, and when he asks them if they have any idea who this chapter is talking about, saying that he has been despised and rejected from his own, that he has borne the sufferings of the people, that he was killed, and that by his sacrificial death the people are healed, etc., they have no idea.

In other words, even if these Talmudist teachers do not believe in Jesus, as their predecessors the Pharisees did not believe in him and one crucified (and all this can still be understood), but not knowing that Christians see in the one of whom this text speaks Jesus and what he suffered 2000 years ago, it is less excusable.

To give my personal testimony, years ago I made a video making a compilation of the teachings of various Talmudist teachers on Youtube, video censored by Youtube since. In it, we see a sequence where Rabbi Ron Chaya recounts his interview on a train with a Christian woman. She recognized him on the train, so she appreciates him and is happy to see him in real life. She tells him that she is a great philo-Semite (a friend of the Jews, the opposite of anti-Semite), that she loves Israel, etc.

Then, she asked him why they do not believe in Jesus, while the « Old Testament », the Tanakh, announced what the Messiah had to accomplish and suffer, and especially in Isaiah 53, and this was fulfilled in Jesus.

This was the question not to ask, because the face of the « nice » and « smiling » rabbi turned into a dragon despising this Christian, humiliating her, so that the poor woman, who had come to the rabbi with so much love, left crying. She didn’t understand why the rabbi treated her like this, was so monstrous with her.

The rabbi may have succeeded in turning a philo-Semite into an anti-Semite, but anyway, if this Christian one day stumbles upon this tweet and acknowledges her bitter experience, let her understand that we should not blame the rabbi, let alone the Jews in general, because what happened has nothing to do with true Judaism, biblical Judaism, that of Moses and the prophets, then that of Jesus and the apostles.

She was just confronted with the spirit of the Talmud, which is also the spirit of the Pharisees whom 2000 crucified Jesus and martyred many of his disciples. This demon awoke in the rabbi, when she dared to speak of one of the chapters of the Tanakh that irritate her, that condemn her crime on the Messiah announced by the prophets. It is this evil spirit that also recently animated two ultra-Orthodox MKs, Moshe Gafmi and Yaakov Asher, who introduced a bill to punish anyone preaching Jesus on Israeli soil with imprisonment. Binyamin Netanyahu opposed this law, and Christians in Israel can say « Phew! » at least for now. (See article: Israel under pressure from ultra-Orthodox versus Israeli youth awakening)

Let this Christian understand that it is this devil, this spirit of darkness, far from the light of God and the love of Christ, in short it is Satan the Devil, that she has had to deal with in this rabbi, otherwise human and kind.

And the saddest thing is that the rabbi, in one of her classes, recounts her interview with the Christian woman on the train, insulting her blithely. He says, « All that she has found as evidence in the Bible to try to prove to me that their Jesus is the Machiah (the Messiah) is a passage from Jeremiah that says that someone suffers. »

And he took a Bible, and tries to find the passage that the Christian showed him. He turns the pages for a moment in vain, he does not find the passage… He changes chapters in Jeremiah’s prophecy, but without success either… Then he miserably abandons the research, uttering one last time words of contempt for Christians.

He had no chance of finding the passage in Jeremiah, since it is in Isaiah, and in chapter 53! A Jewish rabbi and teacher, who does not know how to find or find this passage shown by the Christian, who does not even know one of the key texts that for Christians shows that Jesus was the Messiah, it is really lamentable!

When it says that Isaiah 53 is the « forbidden chapter of the Jewish Bible, » that is exactly what it means. Namely that this is the « forbidden » chapter in the Talmud and for Talmudist rabbis! In other words, a chapter that most Talmudists ignore, even some rabbis!

The reason is simple: for Talmudists, the Talmud and the rabbinic traditions inherited from the Pharisees (from the time of Jesus) is much more important than the Tanakh, which is divine revelation! This is even more important than the Torah of Moses, or Law of Moses, which is still called the written Torah. And the Talmud is called the oral Torah, written down later as well (notably by Rabbi Akiva after Christ), but originally it was an oral teaching. So when Talmudist rabbis say « Torah, » we are talking about the Talmud. And when they talk about « studying Torah, » they are talking about Talmud study.

The fact is that certain factions of Talmudism or Talmudic Judaism or rabbinic Judaism give more interest to the written Torah or Law of Moses, and more generally give more importance to the Tanakh, so be it. But this does not change the essence of the matter, which is that for Talmudists, the Talmud is by far the most important.

This is in detail what I answered succinctly to @ZevSteinhardt.


« Attempting saying it with my own words »

By AbbyEve

Actually @DarsWords the mistake with the prog is that it is called « The ‘forbidden’ chapter ». It is kind of ‘a misuse of langage’. Or a choice to draw the attention on this subject. The author of the prog should have said « The taboo chapter » or « The taboo prophecy« . This is a first point to clarify. BUT as I said in another post, the real issue is that:

There is a confusion about the term « Judaism ». There is a huge difference between the « Biblical Judaism » (strictly based on the Torah/Tanakh) and « Rabbinic Judaism » (also called « Talmudic Judaism », which is based on the Talmud and other books, which are only human interpretations and deviations also called « tradition »). Jesus Christ condemned this deviation as related in Matthew 15:3 :

Jesus replied, “And why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition?
The terms « command of God » mean Torah/Tanakh. And when you see the term « tradition » it’s what we call now « talmudism« .

The fact is that the « biblical judaism » probably does not exist anymore because most of rabbis have a « talmudic » point of view. Most of them give more importance to the Talmud (and additionnal books), and they digressed from the TANAKH, as Jesus said.

Then in the Talmud or Tradition this chapter Isaiah 53 became a taboo. This is the reason why in the prog a lot of people in the street say that they never heard about that chapter. This is not because it is officially « forbidden » but this became kind of « taboo » and a choice NOT to speak and think about that. A choice to close their eyes. That’s why the prog says « What’s been hidden from us? » !!!

Now let’s got back to your initial question on 15th april: « […] as a descriptor of a person who is legalistic or very literal about following rules and laws that they can’t see the truth in front of them can be described as a pharisee« . The issue with the Talmud or Tradition as that is is a choice not to face the truth (Matthew 15:3). And this prog shows that people want to learn more about that prophecy and that they recognize that Jesus fits to this description of the Mashiah, the Messiah, the Christ. But most of the rabbis will refuse to speak about that, this is the point. Some of them are probably just « afraid » to speak about Jesus because they know that this is a « taboo » in the « talmudist » community.

With all this elements you have now all the pieces of the puzzle. You are able to go further in questioning the world. For instance: what’s the link between The evil New World Order and the talmudic ideology… Which is not a « conspiracy theory » but a real subjet to debate! Unless this is « The Forbidden Question » lol.

Source: Isaïe 53: le chapitre « interdit » dans le Talmud et pour les rabbins talmudistes

See also: The TOTAL Universe, the New Paradigm

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